What is HALO Hybrid Fractional Laser?
Patients treated with HALO experience great improvement to the appearance of skin and can expect remarkable results in 1-2 treatments.
This treatment is extremely comfortable, with only a topical anesthetic. Make-up can be applied within 24-hours of the procedure. Call us today 413-441-8453
Sciton HALO Treats:
HALO can treat all skin types and can be used anywhere on the body. The HALO™ Laser Treatment is a skin resurfacing procedure, so it will help reduce or eliminate any of the following types of skin damage:
HALO indications include:
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Sun damage/dyschromia
- Skin resurfacing
- Scar revision (including acne scars)
- Signs of aging
- Pigmented lesions
- Improves appearance of enlarged pores
- Medical dermatology/ Actinic Keratoses
We recommend a 30 minute skin evaluation to determine which laser treatment is best for you.

Sciton HALO™ Before & After
Each picture below represents real results from real patients.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1) Am I a good candidate for Sciton HALO?
This treatment may be suitable for men and women who feel their appearance is showing signs of aging or where surface layers of the skin have been damaged. Schedule a skin consultation today
2) Is Sciton HALO safe?
As a non-surgical procedure, Sciton HALO is considered to be safe for most patients to undergo. The treatment itself is generally very well tolerated by most patients. You may feel a warming sensation while the procedure is in process, and your comfort will be closely monitored throughout.
3) Are there any side effects or risk?
The face may look a little swollen, following the treatment, which may last for a couple of days. The shedding process will last for around 3 or 4 days and it is important that you resist the urge to pick at any flakes or crusts that form on the skin. Your treatment comes with three ZO Skin Health After Care products.
4) Is there is a downtime?
After your treatment MENDS (which feel like coarse sandpaper texture) will form. During the recovery process they will darken (you will look tan) MENDS are a good thing and most people will not notice that you have had a treatment.
Cost Considerations:
Your cost not only includes the price of the product, but more importantly, the training, skill and expertise of the health care professional who is administering your treatment. (See Our Team)
Book Sciton HALO Treatment Today!
Get That Glow by adding a HALO treatment to your regular skin care maintenance routine.