Do you know why vampires are so devilishly good looking? After years of wonder, we’ve finally unveiled the mystical truth. The secret ingredient is found in our own blood! The key to youthfulness is found in one of the many components of our blood, platelet-rich plasma (PRP)! PRP stimulates our bodies own growth factors and stem cells to produce more collagen, create new skin cells, and rejuvenate the skin. It is most commonly used for aesthetic purposes on the face, neck, and chest. PRP has also proven to be beneficial in reducing the appearance of acne scars, traumatic scars, and improving textural issues for overall smoother skin.
The Vampire Facial, is a patented technique developed by Dr. Charles Runnels, whereby PRP is injected into the skin via microneedling. PRP is a favorite of many celebrities including the infamous Kim Kardashian who has previously filmed herself having the treatment. Now that’s what I call good old-fashioned reality television!

So, what is the process? First, your blood is drawn – I vant to suck your blood! Next, the vials are placed into a centrifuge which spins the blood at a high velocity to separate out the PRP or “liquid gold” from the red blood cells. The fresh PRP is then drawn into syringes and is ready for action! After the area is numbed, you are ready for the “bite,” where a SkinPen device is used to microneedle the PRP into your skin. This process creates hundreds to thousands of “micro” punctures per second, stimulating the skin’s natural wound healing process – inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. The end result is smoother, plumper, and more youthful looking skin. Science is so cool!
Still hungry for more? Well, here’s the “Extra Bite”! Not only is PRP microneedled into the skin, the “liquid gold,” can also be injected under the eyes and around the lips to boost elasticity and collagen. This process helps to create tighter, less crepey-looking skin.
The Vampire Facial with Extra Bite is a quick procedure, taking approximately 30 minutes. After the procedure, your face is expected to be red and slightly inflamed. Most of the redness will occur during the first 24 hours following the treatment and dissipate thereafter. Downtime for this procedure is considered minimal, with the expected side effects lasting approximately five to seven days. During the healing phase alcohol or acid-based products should be avoided, as well as exfoliants. Vigorous exercise, excessive heat, and sun exposure should also be avoided until the skin is healed. During the healing process, and as always, wear your sunscreen! Multiple sessions, at least three, are recommended for best results. This treatment may not be appropriate for you if you are pregnant, taking certain medications, or have specific medical conditions.
Schedule an appointment and find out if the Vampire Facial with Extra Bite is right for you! Call Silver Solutions MedSpa at 413-441-8453.